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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Engagement (Part 1)

Heyhey! Assalamualaikum! still in mood yang berbau bunga rampai pak kebum kebum. hehehe As blogger know, on 17th December 2011, i just put a history on my life diary which is i'm engaged!! Nurnadia Ishak a.k.a Yaya a.k.a Yaya Warholl is already engaged peopleeeee! Sorry other man in this world i just break your heart because my heart is already taken ( i mean fully taken once i become Mr.Warholl wife later. Insyallah :P ). Officialy i became Mr. Warholl Fiancee and he is my Mr. Fiance. Hows my majlis? Is all went well? Yeah syukur alhamdulilah all went well. Just a bit technical problems that human cant control. Whats that problem? Later on lahh. Kita nak cerita berita gembira kita nih *sediakan plestik sesiap bluekk -___-*

Sangat-sangat terharu *crying here* because my S came on my ceremony. Even though it just simple majlis. Thank you thank you big thank you to my darling S, Aezzadin Aisyah & Nadiah Adzman. Both look gorgeous that day. They finally arrived Johor Bahru just because wanna attend my engagement. So sweet kan? But honestly i feel a bit sad cause cant entertain them like all the time cause lack of time and i'm soo super busy have to entertain and greet all the guest came that day. Sempat malam tu pergi JPO cause Lalak hentak-hentak kaki nak pergi.hehe tapi JPO nak tutup dah pun. So sad :( but next time kita pergi tempat lain ya? JB ni banyak tempat menarik actually. For my darling S, later kita pergi Sinapo pulakk ye? and and you guys cepat-cepat buat passport tau. Before i'm getting married, wanna go trip with my darling S. Place like Crabi maybe? hoyehhh *dah berangan bachelorette party ekeke*

About my engagement, people tend to ask me why i'm tying the knot so early. I have my own reason. People out there, i really hope all of you can pray for my happiness and give encouragement to me to facing all the obstacle since tau-tau jelah darah tengah manis ni. Tak fikir yang negatif, just always postif! kan :)

Enjoy picture on my happy day.*ade kesah disebalik pengambilan gambar *later cita* lagi sekalikkk haha

( Picture can tell thousand words)

My darling S, Aezzadin Aisyah
My another S, Nadiah Adzman a.k.a Lalak yang famous amos ;p

With my sister mala, kak azira & my relatives, ikin.

Here we go my super grandson yg debamm.
*pelikkan dah ada cucu. cucu sedara jepunn ;p

My becoming in-law family


We loveeee cameraa!!

I'm engaged!!

My other half granny.

My superwoman. Mak Yam ;')

Sempat outdoor photoshoot kauu. haha
there's a story behind this picture.
still later cerita* ;p

till next post! xoxo!


lalak said...

yeyy nnt titew pegi Sinapo yehhh. pastu crabi. ok ok nak kumpul duit ni nak jejalan dgn cik ya!! hooreyyy.

cik yaya said...

hoyehhhh.kekumpul duit ya? must must! ;p

superduper ah said...

well mate so sori cos cant make it to ur engagement day. very bz adapting my new life. hope everything goes well n wish u happiness forever ;)


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